Saturday 4 June 2011

Confraternity of Catholic Priests Australia...

The Australian Confraternity of Catholic Clergy is a private, voluntary and fraternal association of Catholic clerics of the Dioceses of Australia constituted in 1987 under statutes in conforming with the 1983 Code of Canon Law under Canon 278 §1:

Their fraternity helps members to build up one another in the grace of their priestly vocation; it increases the wider flourishing of authentic living and exercise of vocations among bishops, priests and deacons; and it attracts younger men to consider a vocation to the sacred ministry of the Church.

Secular clergy have the right of association with others for the achievement of purposes befitting the clerical state.


The aims of the ACCC are to:
  • give glory and honour to the Most Blessed Trinity;
  • assist the eternal salvation and holiness of members;
  • foster unity among Catholic priests and deacons with the bishops in loyalty to the Supreme Magisterium;
  • encourage faithfulness to priestly life and ministry;
  • assist bishops, priests, and deacons in the fulfilment of their ministry of teaching, sanctifying, and governing.

All Australian bishops, priests and deacons are invited to membership. Priest or deacon associate membership is open to priests and deacons who are members of religious institutes or secular institutes. Lay faithful who wish to support the clerical association in its objectives are invited to lay associate membership.


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